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Back Pain Treatment near Watsonia | Northern Spinal

Back Pain Treatment near Watsonia

Regardless of age or gender, 80 per cent of the population will suffer from back pain & injury at some time in their life. 99% of all lower back injuries are musculoskeletal strains, most often caused by poor posture, overuse or trauma.

As one of the leading injury clinics in the northern suburbs and city; we provide care to all local Watsonia residents and surrounding communities.

We aim treat your back injury or pain as effectively and efficiently as possible, being conveniently located in the Melbourne CBD and Reservoir. Our team of allied health professionals including Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Physiotherapists & Podiatrists offer professional care to address the source of your problem and pain.

Back pain myths

What is back pain?

Back pain is an extremely common condition with up to 80% of the population experiencing back pain at some time during the lives. Although the underlying pathology of low back pain is usually not serious, with the vast majority of patients recovering within 6 weeks, it is a significant cause of pain in the community and can have a considerable impact on people’s day to day lives.

Back pain can originate from nerves, muscles, joints, bones or other structures in the spine. There are different types of back pain such as acute pain, chronic pain, and neuropathic pain.

Acute pain can last up to six months or is pain that is directly related to tissue damage. The longer the pain goes for the more susceptible it is to developing into chronic pain.

Chronic pain can be due to an injury. Structural spine conditions such as degenerative disc disease can cause ongoing pain until successfully treated.

Chronic pain can be influenced by ongoing pain signal input to the nervous system, lack of exercise, person’s perception of the pain and depression and anxiety.

Types of chronic back pain:

  • Failed back surgery syndrome
  • Chronic back pain without a clearly determined cause
  • Fibromyalgia

Neuropathic pain is usually unrelated to the original injury or condition and certain nerves send out pain messages to the brain even though there is no ongoing message.

Back pain treatment options include physical therapy, exercises, splints or braces and lifestyle changes. If your experiencing back pain call our clinic today and book in to see our professionals as soon as possible.

Benefits of back pain treatment:

  • Pain relief
  • Muscles relaxation
  • Peace of Mind from reduced pain
  • Exercises and stretches to improve your health
  • Joint mobility improvement
  • Better flexibility and range of motion





Book Your Appointment

For more information on how Northern Spinal can help you, or to book an appointment, contact us today!