Pilates Classes for Back Pain
Over 70 to 90 per cent of Australians will suffer from back pain at some point in their lives; often lasting 1 to 2 months. In 2014, for example, the Federal Government estimated 3.7 million Australians reported back problems.
It’s easy to envisage the kind of impact back pain has on work and home life, but what you may not know is that the consequences go much further than that. According to the New South Wales Government, “low back pain is a significant burden in terms of pain, disability and loss of quality of life for those who experience it. This is a global problem with data in Australia revealing that a quarter of the population reported having it any one time.”
How Pilates Can Help Back Pain
Reformer Pilates and Clinical Pilates is a system of exercises designed to improve strength, flexibility, posture and mental awareness. It is about reinforcing the importance of the mind in controlling all body movements. The exercises will strengthen your core muscles to allow you to move with much greater control and balance. Strong core muscles stabilise and control the body, which is especially important for people with lower back pain; along with a number of other injuries. And, because our classes are low risk and non-invasive, they are perfect for those recovering from an injury.
Pilates Classes For Back Pain in Melbourne CBD & Reservoir
Our Pilates Classes use a range of exercises to build your strength and enable your body to centre and align. After completing a course of Clinical Pilates Classes, your strength, flexibility and posture are sure to be improved. This highlights the importance of Pilates-based movements in recovery from back pain or sports injuries and for maintaining general health and fitness.
At Northern Spinal & Sports Injury Clinic in Reservoir & Melbourne CBD we offer classes with a maximum of 4 participants, each run by one of our qualified Physiotherapists, Osteopaths or Chiropractors. Our Clinical Pilates programs are specifically tailored to your condition by our allied health team, who perform real time ultrasound assessments of the stabilising muscles of the lumbar spine. This will allow for an individualised approach so that your technique is correct and you are getting the most benefit from our classes.
If you want to know more about our Pilates Classes or book in for a session in Reservoir or Melbourne CBD, call Northern Spinal & Sports Injury Clinic on 03 9470 1010!