MND – Finding a Cure: Neale Danihers Fight
“From hopelessness, now there’s hope.“ – Neale Daniher
Donate here https://fightmnd.org.au/
What is MND?
For those that know a little bit about Motor Neurone Disease or MND it is quite frankly a horrible, insidious disease that is currently incurable.
MND effects everyone differently and at varying speeds. Nerve cells (neurones) control the muscles that enable us to move, speak, breathe and swallow. Motor neurone disease (MND) is the name given to a group of diseases in which these neurons die and fail to work normally, leading to muscle degeneration and ultimately paralysis.
Upon diagnosis, sufferers are usually given between 2-5 years to live, with only 10% of sufferers living longer than 5 years.
It is still unclear as to the possible causes of MND. However the relative unknown of the disease has been the main driving force in finding a cure.
Neale’s Fight
Neale Daniher was diagnosed with MND in September 2013, although keeping his battle private until August 2014.
“When I was diagnosed in 2013, they basically told me, ‘Sorry mate, there’s nothing we can do for you”
Amazingly Daniher saw this not as a chance to go into his shell and fight a private battle, rather an opportunity to do something that would leave a mark.
He with the help of others established the Cure for MND Foundation, with 3 primary aims: To cure, to care and to make aware – With a definitive goal in mind: A world free from MND
The foundation works alongside other research funding bodies such as the Motor Neurone Disease Research Institute of Australia (MNDRIA) who, through their own grants program, fund predominantly early stage discovery phase research in the lab.
The foundation continues to push MND into the spotlight in the hopes that by increasing the public profile of Motor Neurone Disease within the Australian and wider communities, governments and pharmaceutical companies will take up the fight.
Through Neale’s tireless work a number of events dedicated to fighting MND have been established. Most notably The Big Freeze. Held annually at the MCG on Queens birthday weekend, the event sees a host of Australian personalities slide into a pool if icy water.
The 2017 event so far has raised over $4.5 million.
“Perhaps the most inspiring part of the movement Neale leads, is the knowledge that the fight is unlikely to be won in time to save him. This fight is for the future, for others, for the two that will be diagnosed today, tomorrow and every day thereafter until a cure is found” – FightMND.org.au
Danihers Drive is another fundraising event that in 2016 raised $1.25 million. A chance for people to see first-hand the natural beauty of the country, but primarily to come together with great people to raise valuable funds for FightMND.
A further vote of support for the foundation came a few days ago when the federal government pledged to match public donations for MND (up to $2 million). Meaning on top of the already raised $4.5 million, a further $2million will be donated. These donations will enable up to 200 Australians with MND to participate in a clinical trial.
What We Can Do To Support The MND Foundation
The MND foundation is launching a call to arms for all Australians to fight MND. A little bit goes a long way and donations are required to further research.
There are a number of ways to get involved: Community fundraisers, leaving a gift in your will, becoming a volunteer or simply donating.
Northern Spinal’s Pledge
Northern Spinal & Sports Injury Clinic are donating $10 from every new patient treatment until the end of June in a bid to raise awareness.
We ask all of you to make a donation, big or small and support and wonderful cause, led by a terrific man in Neale Daniher.
To find out more about MND visit https://curemnd.org.au/